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Husse - Revitalizing Wipes (made in France) 寵物特柔濕紙巾(含天然澳洲茶樹油-法國製造): 70 pce

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Husse Wipes and Kennel Wash are dye free, not experimentally tested on animals but are formulated and manufactured with care for animals.
  • wipes01
Husse - Revitalizing Wipes (made in France)  寵物特柔濕紙巾(含天然澳洲茶樹油-法國製造): 70 pce

Husse - Revitalizing Wipes (made in France) 寵物特柔濕紙巾(含天然澳洲茶樹油-法國製造): 70 pce

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Husse Wipes and Kennel Wash are dye free, not experimentally tested on animals but are formulated and manufactured with care for animals.
Product Description
Husse Revitalizing Wipes should be used to clean and to take care of your pet. Wipes are useful for cleaning pets ears, soothing ear irritations& reducing odour causing bacteria in ear folds. Natural Australian Tea Tree Oil provides careful in-depth cleaning while disinfecting. Husse Wipes contain only natural substances. Husse 寵物特柔濕紙巾 可用於清潔和照顧您的寵物。濕紙巾特別適合用於清潔寵物的耳朵,舒緩耳朵刺激和減少氣味,亦可減少耳褶中的細菌。含有澳洲的天然茶樹油,在消毒時提供深層的清潔。Husse 寵物特柔濕紙巾只含有天然成份。

Opening and using the container

Remove the larger lid from the container. Pull the first wipe from the container. Let the wipe pass through the opening of the larger lid. Put the larger lid back to close the smaller lid. Always carefully close the small lid after use to avoid drying out the wipes.


Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Store below 30° C. In case of a coetaneous reaction on hypersensitive skin, you must stop the use of this product.
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